Healthy Orange Farmers Market

The Healthy Orange Farmers Market is open every Tuesday, from 10am – 2pm, and runs from the first Tuesday in July through the last Tuesday in October. This is a collaborative effort with The Cathedral and the Orange County Department of Health. The Market is in the Broadway Green Lot next to 130 Broadway (DMV Building).
At the market you will find local vegetables, herbs, fruits, honey, microgreens, baked goods, food, natural body care products, and more! There are many community agencies at the market with helpful information on health insurance, rental assistance (Covid related), environmental issues and the like.
Supporting your local farmers market provides some great benefits! You are supporting local farm families to have a fighting chance in this globalized economy as you are tasting real flavors directly from the farm. While protecting the environment, families also receive nourishment with the knowledge of where the food comes from. You can also attend free seasonal cooking demonstrations by Cornell Cooperative Extension’s SNAPed Nutritionist who provides a free program and classes on food preparation and other kitchen skills. The farmers market is a community hub—a place to meet up with your friends, bring your children, or just get a taste of small-town life in the midst of our wonderful city.
The Healthy Orange Farmers Market participates in the Double Up Food Bucks program; this program boosts SNAP purchases by doubling any purchase dollar for dollar. The Market is a proud participant in the Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge*, working with local health care sites to bring Prescription for Produce vouchers to residents in need. For further information about the market, or about any of these programs, please call (845)360-6691.
*Healthiest Cities and Counties is a nationwide grant program funded by Aetna Foundation.