Bishop Jeffrey C. Woody 
Presiding Prelate

The Most Reverend Jeffrey C. Woody, the Establishmentarian of The Cathedral at The House and Refuge International Ministries, Inc. was prophesied over at birth by his pastor, the late Reverend Dr. James L. Best. He prophesied that he would be a help to the ministry and that God was going to use him. 

Bishop Woody faithfully served the ministry in various capacities as he was poured into by Dr. Best, and ultimately became his assistant. While he served, he received the mantle of prayer! As he was poured into, he developed an insatiable appetite for the deliverance of souls as he learned to wait in the presence of the Lord! 

Over the 20 years of pastoring, Bishop Woody has developed programs and implemented initiatives that minister to the whole man. A prayer line exists to minister to the spirit man. An Accredited Bible College exists to enhance the natural man and also feed the spirit man. A food pantry and farmers market exist to feed the natural man. 

Bishop Woody has built upon the foundation lain by his predecessors and he believes in miracles, signs and wonders! His mantra is “There is a possibility!”

Lady Denise Woody
Supervisor of Women

Lady Denise Woody, the founder of “A Peace of Mind”, functions as a healer to the women in the body of Christ. The message that God has given her has helped countless women to realize that they are SOMEBODY in Him! She is gifted in the area of helping raise women’s self- esteem. The Peace of Mind conference has been held in Philadelphia, PA, National Harbor MD and Newburgh, NY. Lady Woody also functions in the prophetic realm: When she tells you something – all you have to do is sit back and watch it come to pass!

Lady Denise Woody currently serves as the National Supervisor of Women for Refuge International Ministries, Inc. She has traveled across the country encouraging women to strive for excellence in God. Her love for ministry has also taken her overseas to Europe and India.

God, knowing the plan for her life, allowed her to experience the pain of witnessing two of her children suffer through what the doctors call ‘an incurable blood disease’. It was through this experience that Lady Woody became a woman of faith and power! Her fiery furnace experience has propelled her into ministry with an anointing that causes demons to tremble.