Jasmine Woody
Christian Arts Ministry:
The purpose of our ministry is to cultivate moments where the glory of God is released in order to provide opportunities for encounters and revelations. Creating is imitating God, a natural thing for us to do as image bearers of the Creator of everything. Our mission is to foster a community through worship and teaching, outreach.
This ministry provides a creative outlet for members to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ through poetry, acting, stepping, interpretive and liturgical dance.

Teresa Heglar
Intercessory Prayer Ministry:
Our Intercessory Prayer Team is to be vital, accessible, relevant and focused; so that God can use our prayers to move heaven and earth. We want to see the evidence of the Kingdom of God manifested in our lives, in our homes, in the church and in the community. We pray for family, friends, co-workers, leaders, ministries and pastors.

Candis Woody
Media Ministry:
Our job is to have a heart for God, eyes for video and an ear for sound.
We know that faith comes from hearing and believe that spoken word and song are two of the most important tools for a church service. It is our goal as a media team to provide clear and intelligible sound that is transparent and distraction free to the listener. The goal of the church audio team is to provide audio that is worthy of the worship of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the position of the sound and video operator is an important mission of the church. We will revere the mission by giving the position respect, priority and our personal best, be on time , interact with people, not just so that we can make them sound good and look good, but so that people can worship God and stay attentive and focused on the activities of the service.

Richard Watson
Men’s Ministry:
Men’s Ministries exist to equip men to live a godly life by serving their family, church, and community. We seek to empower men to: Grow and live in a Christ-like manner, develop an effective prayer life, discover and put into use spiritual gifts and build closer personal relationships through social activities.

Dena Walker & Khalil Chambers
Music Ministry:
The Music Ministry exists to enrich the service through praise, worship and devotion in song. It is the means through which the soul and spirit reach out to God in worship and praise with a song in spirit. The Music Ministry assists the worshippers in centering their thoughts upon God that they might receive a blessing. For those who are not born again, it will prepare their hearts for the Holy Spirit to minister to them. The Cathedral Music Ministry is comprised of several choirs, praise teams and musicians.

Henry Atakora
Rapha Ministry (Nurses Unit):
Rapha Ministry exists to support our visitors and congregation while minimizing medical/non-medical distractions with spiritual professionalism. The Rapha Ministry, lead by a licensed registered nurse, strives to be keenly aware of the personal needs of the congregation and provide comfort as needed.
The group’s members receive training and certification in health related areas.

Patricia Burks
Usher Board:
This Ministry exists to serve the guests and members. The group will make sure that when one comes to the Ministry, they will treat you as God will. The mission is to show love to our visitors and members so that they will experience the peace of God. We will serve with joy, peace, and happiness in our hearts.

Noreen Shippy
Women’s Ministry:
Women’s Ministries exists to inspire, equip, support, and disciple women to live in God’s purpose. We will fulfill our vision by creating opportunities and resources for women to discover their gifts and be empowered to fulfill His purpose.
Our goals are: To extend the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to promote spiritual and personal growth, to build friendships and interdependence with one another, widen our horizon and vision and encourage stewardship.

Dena Walker
Youth Ministry:
The mission of the Youth Ministry is to establish a foundation for building Christian character, morals, values and behaviors in young people of all ages; by using creative and innovative methods to excite, inspire, capture and ignite young people for Jesus. Our goal is to enable young people to understand and recognize who Jesus is and what it is to live for Him only. Youth leaders inspire, lead, and challenge young people to live a holy and victorious life in Jesus Christ.